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Thank Goodness I am Female is an alumnae-based mentorship program  geared towards improving the retention and graduation rates of female students of color as they overcome academic, personal and transitional issues they may face when trying to adjust to college life. 


TGIF vision is to promote well-rounded alumnae-based mentoring programs among various colleges and universities.



Shayla Edwards

I have built a strong relationship with my mentor. She has become a big sister to me. Gwen has given me motivation and determination to step my game up in college. She has had my back and given me tough love with no judgement and I truly appreciate being able to talk and connect with her.

Samirah McGill

My mentor and I are like sisters or best friends I know that I can go to her about anything. She is very supportive and always there when I need her. She has given me the courage to take summer classes to improve my GPA and also gain extra credits. I thank my mentor so much for with dealing with me, because I know at times I can be a handful, thus no matter what my problem is, my mentor will always tell me it will get better , keep going don't give up to easy and for that I am forever thankful my mentor.

Nacira Scott

I appreciate Tiana a lot because when I needed someone to talk to she was there. She always pushed me to do well academically, even though we barely saw each other because of school and her working we still was able to build a bond. I remember when I was trying to kick my old roommate out the room I was being petty and Tiana was cracking up over the phone. We had lots of laughs and there was lots of serious talks, Tiana was always understanding of how I was feeling, a good listener, continued to push me when I wasn’t feeling good or even when I was homesick. Tiana’s relationship with me allowed me to grow. The main thing I loved about our relationship that although school was a priority it wasn’t always about school. We could talk about anything and that made me feel comfortable to speak to her about anything. Thank you T, you are a wonderful mentor ❣

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Become a mentor or mentee in our TGIF program

at Bloomsburg University!

Mentor Signup

Interested in having TGIF on your college campus, email us at:

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